Monday, January 10, 2011

Eden Lake

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

Neat little British horror flick. The kind where they are not afraid to kill the kid, which is always a good sign.

I like these kids as the "villains" if you can call them that. That's the best thing the film has going for it, good and evil is not so black and white. Good and bad deeds are done by both protagonist and antagonist and in the end I think your sympathies could go either way.

Unfortunately I think too many things had to NOT happen in order for these events to take place. You know those situations when you watch horror films and pull you hair out in frustration because the characters make stupid and illogical decisions? It's definitely not as bad as some and I guess it at least means It managed to engage me. The characters were easy to root for.

All in all, a well put together horror with good enough drama and characters to make things a little more interesting that your average run of the mill slasher.

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