Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

First time viewed: No
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

Well this certainly makes an odd double feature with Amadeus. Although one could argue they are both about artists.

This film has two things going for it. A hell of a gimmick and a fantastically portrayed villain. But that's about all it has going for it. The rest of the film is a fairly run of the mill low budget slasher horror. It's filled with some classic horror scenarios and doesn't really do anything new with them.

So there's nothing very remarkable about the rest of the film except for Dieter Laser's performance as the crazy doctor. He is one creepy looking guy. Superb casting. No doubt they'll do more in the next film now that they have introduced the concept because this film down't do much with the idea except explain how it works and introduce then kill off the guy that came up with it. (although I think he's in the second film...?)

The victims aren't very sympathetic. Two bitchy girls and Japanese guy that we can't understand. Hostel did a far greater job with Two Asshole guys and a Japanese girl. They had the obvious advantage of being able to have the characters speak and move around once the bad shit starts to happen to them. I don;t know how that problem could have been fixed when your characters are sewn together ass to mouth. Something to think about.

Now the Centipede gimmick. It is a great concept and a great visual. I was surprised at how little gore there was in the film. It's pretty tame by those standards. But with the rest of the film being so average was this enough to make it worth while? Not for me. For some people it is. The director sites Pasolini's Salo and early Cronenberg as inspiration in the commentary track. Tom Six has a long way to go before he's that good. I think those films are infinitely more disturbing and have much more to think about than this.

The Human Centipede is funnier though. And unfortunately more people will see this than will ever see those greats. I definitely think that this idea can be improved upon if done correctly so i'll check out the "full sequence" when it is released. But I think going in expecting anything better than what we have here.

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